My Stocks is an app from the website, a tool to assist you in your transactions on the Stock Exchange.IR CALCULATORHave at your disposal a tool that calculates income tax. It automatically calculates the result of its operations, applies the appropriate rates and issues the DARF for payment.The calculations are made in accordance with current legislation, and even make it possible to offset any previous losses. The calculations are made from your first registered operation, giving back the necessary time.BROKERAGE NOTE IMPORTIn a matter of minutes, it will be possible to import all your orders into the system and immediately start measuring your results and tracking open positions.PORTFOLIOCreate your own personalized portfolio to add your favorite stocks and track your open positions.See the average price of your position in each share based on the partial purchases and sales made. Thus, it is possible to monitor the real results of your operations and make a better decision when buying or selling.PERFORMANCE REPORTYou will have access to information about your operations that were previously only available on the best trader platforms. It displays information such as: Maximum drawdown, Profit factor, Recovery factor, R2 Squared, LR Correlation, Payoff, Max. Consecutive profit / loss, Average profit, Average loss, and much more ...ORDER HISTORYSee the history of all your orders, the result of each one of them and the general balance of your investments.Access our YouTube channel: